
Reclaim your Radiant Life

Welcome! I’m Elizabeth Flint. And I believe that everyone has a radiance within them that is just waiting to be revealed. In my work as a teacher, author and holistic coach, I offer a powerful yet gentle approach to help people release their burdens, restore their radiance and bring their brightest self into the world.

I’m ready and excited to partner with you on your personal growth journey. Wherever you’ve been, whoever you are- transformation is always available and possible. Let me show you how.


Release, Renew and Revitalize.

When we pause the hustle of our daily lives and immerse ourselves in wellness, profound transformation unfolds. My Wellness Workshops and Retreats provide a unique opportunity to explore the body, mind, and heart in a safe and supportive environment with expert guidance. Offerings include local Workshops, 1-Day Wellness Retreats, Destination Retreats, and Online Programs—each designed to nurture your well-being and inspire lasting change.


Individuals, Groups, Engagements.

E Yoga group classes are a community experience. Elizabeth and her students come together to give their time, effort and attention to the practice of yoga. Within this sacred space transformation occurs in the minds, bodies and hearts of each person in the room. Elizabeth believes that when we come together with a common benevolent intention we start a ripple effect that creates a positive impact in the world. Through alignment based vinyasa, yin yoga, pranayama and meditation students are transported deeply with themselves to connect to their purest essence so they may bring this into the world in their own unique way.


Release, Refresh.

True healing is a process of finding balance and harmony by releasing the energy that is no longer serving us and tapping into a fresh new source of energy that helps us move our lives towards health, happiness and abundance.

Energy work is a powerful method of creating balance in individuals, families, spaces and companies.

I offer a variety of services that combine ancient wisdom with modern technology in the field of human development to bring greater wellbeing to every area of your life.

Paperback Cover

The Time for Total Transformation is NOW!

Total Transformation

Seven Sacred Steps to Freedom

This is not just another yoga book! Total Transformation is a guidebook for the journey from confusion to clarity, suffering to celebration and pain to incredible wellbeing. More and more people are waking up to the reality that the things we thought would make us happy- more money, more stuff, more stimulation, more control- are not working. It’s time to stop looking for happiness in the wrong places and to instead look for the path that leads us back to ourselves. Total Transformation offers clear and simple guidance on this journey to true freedom and joy- the kind that makes you unshakable.

Total Transformation, is NOW available in Hardcover, Paperback, EBook or Kindle!

Learn more about the book >

Elizabeth shares her experience, wisdom and compassion with clarity and inspiration. Take your time and savor the changes that will come from slowing down with her skillful, honest and tenderhearted guidance.